Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

The Tapping Solution With Jessica Ortner & The Amazing Power of Affirmations



We've all heard of and perhaps even tried using positive affirmations before. They've been around as long as the personal development industry. However, recent research has shed light on why affirmations work and how to make the most of them -- and that's what Tony and I discuss in this inspiring segment! Next, I have my very special guest and personal friend, Jessica Ortner, who is a New York Times Best Selling Author and producer of the Tapping Solution, a breakthrough documentary film on EFT/meridian tapping. Jessica shares what tapping it, how it works, and how it can be really beneficial. Listen in as we learn about meridian tapping on acupuncture points and how we too can relieve stress. [BULLETS] Tony and I talk about the power of affirmations and how to get started with meditations... Tony shares what affirmations are and how they work... How affirmations can counteract the negative chattering voice inside our head... Ways to embody acceptance and being present in the moment... What is "Tapping" and