Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Shifting Our Energy With Charlynn Avery & The Power of Prebiotics!



We've talked endlessly about probiotics, but prebiotics are an area that deserve more exploration. In this segment, you'll hear Tony and I discuss why they are important, and which foods contain the highest amounts. You'll even learn how to make foods like potatoes healthier and lower carb, yet higher in prebiotics!   Next, we have my very special guest Charlynn Avery who is an educator and aromatherapist. Charlynn and I discuss how scent is one of our most powerful senses and how it connects us with our memories. We also talk about bringing lightness and energy into our environment by adding clean, pure, and healthy scents into our homes. Listen in as we share ways in which men and women can implement these oils into our daily self-care routines. [BULLETS] Tony and I discuss how prebiotics and how they affect everything from our energy to our health... How probiotics help with candida issues... Why prebiotics uses the context, 'pre', and what their true definition is... How fiber is a prebiotic and which fr