Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

Green Global Travel with Bret Love and Dialoguing About Vitamin D



We've all heard of the importance of vitamin D, but there are so many conflicting recommendations. Get more sun. Get less sun. Get no sun! It's in your food. It's not in your food. It's endless and that's why Tony and I work to clear up the confusion—from sunlight to diet—in this informative new segment.     Next, we have my very special guest Bret Love who is the managing partner of Green Global Travel. Bret and I talk about the interesting topics of ecotourism, green travel, responsible travel, nature travel or ethical travel, the ethos of traveling more sustainably which have become an increasingly hot topic in the tourism industry over the past decade. [BULLETS] Tony and I discuss why you may be at risk for vitamin D deficiency... What vitamin D is and in where it comes from... Why we need vitamin D and how it affects our immune system... We share why and how focusing on sunlight for at least 10 minutes, without sunscreen, is critical... The fine line between sun exposure and the risk of aging... How to