Pacey Performance Podcast

Translating knowledge of speed from other sports to soccer with Tom Taylor



In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is speaking to Head of Performance at Rangers FC, Tom Taylor. Tom discusses the integration of speed training principles from various sports into soccer to enhance acceleration, max velocity, movement efficiency, and injury prevention among players. In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is speaking to Head of Performance at Rangers FC, Tom Taylor. Tom discusses the integration of speed training principles from various sports into soccer to enhance acceleration, max velocity, movement efficiency, and injury prevention among players. The episode delves into the application of speed training in soccer, revealing how Premier League clubs are engaging experts from other sports to refine their training routines. Tom highlights the importance of a collaborative approach in rehab and recovery, where strength and conditioning coaches, physiotherapists, and other specialists come together to optimize the rehabilitation processes. This synergy not onl