Rich Zeoli

Justice Alito Warns of Consequences for Politically Motivated Prosecution



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 2: 4:05pm- Charlie Savage and Alan Feuer of The New York Times write of oral argument in Trump v. United States: “Although Mr. Trump’s claim of near-absolute immunity was seen as a long shot intended primarily to slow the proceedings, several members of the Republican-appointed majority seemed to indicate that some immunity was needed… Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. criticized an appeals court ruling rejecting immunity for Mr. Trump, saying he was concerned that it ‘did not get into a focused consideration of what acts we are talking about or what documents are talking about.’” You can read their full takeaway here: 4:20pm- Listeners call-in and react to the arguments presented by Trump’s legal team and the Department of Justice in Trump v. United States. 4:40pm- During oral argument in Trump v. United States, Justice Samuel Alito asked Justice Department C