Rich Zeoli

Robert Bork Jr. Joins the Show, Reacts to SCOTUS Argument



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 1: 3:05pm- On Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral argument in Trump v. United States—a case which will determine the extent of presidential immunity. In one notable exchange with Justice Department Counsel Michael Dreeben, Justice Brett Kavanaugh asked if, hypothetically, former President Barack Obama could be prosecuted for his administration’s use of drone strikes against U.S. citizens in foreign countries. Justice Clarence Thomas also questioned if previous presidents, like John F. Kennedy who authorized Operation Mongoose which resulted in Cuban civilians being killed, could be criminally prosecuted after leaving office. 3:30pm- During oral argument in Trump v. United States, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked Donald Trump’s attorney D. John Sauer if the president could, under Sauer’s argument, “assassinate” a political rival with complete immunity? 3:40pm- Robert Bork Jr.—President of the Antitrust Education Project & President of the Bork Communication Grou