Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

Varla Jean Merman is the Beauty & the Beast



Muscle is the new drag. A lot of folks fell in love with the she larious Varla Jean Merman after seeing her play the ingenue in the iconic camp film Girls will Be Girls. When she made the film, she was already over a decade into the world of drag and ever since, she hasn’t stopped selling out shows across the globe.VARLA JEAN MERMAN: https://www.varlaonline.com/But some things have changed for Varla, for the past several years she’s been hitting the gym hard, and it shows. While riding a New Orleans float at a Provincetown parade she got too hot in the summer sun so she took off her top and showed the world that the beauty is also a beast- a stunning, muscular hairy beast, with a fish tail!Today Varla Jean Merman joins us to talk about how folks have reacted to her rocking bod and how she alters her drag to make room for bodybuilding.Welcome to my wedding. Deven Green officiates Jeffery Roberson and Dewitte Loe’s wedding. Photo: Jeffrey Roberson.Jeffrey Roberson (Varla Jean Merman) out of drag at the gym. Pho