Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

FOF #2456 - Brian Sweeney: Foul Language



Many of our guests, before we start recording, ask us if they can cuss on the podcast and we say “Hell yeah!” I mean F*ck yeah.” But, we discourage it anyway because as good as it feels to let it all out, cussing sometimes keeps people from speaking their minds.Recently Trump’s Public Enemy #1, the BBC, said they’re not f*cking crazy about cussing and decided to look into into why people love to swear.Today, Brian Sweeney, who every other word is BEEEP joins us to take a look at taboo words, why everyone doesn’t agrees on what foul language is, and will newscasters in the future cuss like sailors?Plus–➤ A managing partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers was busy backstage tweeting photos of Emma Stone and now is getting blamed for the Best Picture f*ck up.➤ Teletubbies and Crazy Frog turn f*cking 20.➤ Patricia Arquette is mad as HELL that her sibling Alexis was left out of the Oscar’s “In Memoriam.”