Ruthless Compassion With Dr. Marcia Sirota

163 - The Truth About Adoption with Rebecca Wellington



Writer, historian, and educator Rebecca Wellington teaches at the University of Puget Sound in the School of Education. She has taught high school social studies, as well as undergraduate courses and graduate level courses in education history and curriculum and instruction. Her higher-education teaching adventures have taken her to universities across Western Washington, including University of Washington and Seattle University. She holds a doctorate in Education History from the University of Washington, where she taught in the undergraduate program of the College of Education. Rebecca's career in education started on the ocean, sailing around the world on a traditionally rigged tall ship. Through this two-year global circumnavigation Rebecca trained for a US Coast Guard captain's license and went on to work in non-profit outdoor education, teaching kids to sail on the Charles River in Boston and later on the Puget Sound of Washington State. Rebecca's scholarly articles have been published in The History