Igor Kheifets List Building Lifestyle

IKS007: Dirty-Little Sex Secrets Of A Desperate Nerd From Tel-Aviv



Many moons ago, as I was going through the tender teenage years, still in high school, I couldn't get a date even if my life depended on it.   Cold approaches?   Forget it.   Innocent conversation in the hall?   I'd find a way to screw those up by saying something stupid or weird.   Eventually I just gave up talking to women altogether.   What caused my insecurity around women, you wonder?   Hollywood.   Here's what I mean...   Picture me in your mind's eye:   5 ft. 10" short suck at sports dirt poor 20 lbs overweight glasses   Quite the Casanova lol.   Top it off with insane-level of insecurity around women and you got yourself a walking sexual disaster waiting to happen.   Okay... I digress.   I'm not telling you this so you feel sorry for poor old Igor.   There's a million dollar lesson here.   So listen up...   You see... at some point I got sick of living a life of quiet desperation. So I sought out ways to improve my social skillz. After some research online I discovered that getting the woman of my d