Coach Corey Wayne

Should I Break No Contact After She Friend Zoned Me Since It Was My Fault?



Why you shouldn’t break no contact after she friend zoned you even if it was your fault. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a viewer who got friend zoned after coming on too strong with a girl he really liked. He declined her offer of friend zone and blue balls, but told her to get in touch if she ever changed her mind. He hasn’t heard from her in 2 weeks. Now he wants to break no contact because he’s looking for excuses to contact her and apologize for his unattractive beta male like behavior in hopes that she will forgive his weakness and incompetence. He’s looking to prove himself and that he has now changed and knows how to be attractive to her so she gets turned on again. It’s the illusion of action. Why you never try to keep someone who doesn’t want to keep you. Why you need to be strong enough to keep your word to her if you walked away in order to have a chance at attracting her back. If you have not read my book, “How To Be A 3% Man” yet, that would be a good starting place for