Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show

GO HOME TO MOM; Race Hoax; UCLA; Charlie Kirk; Elon Musk; Protecting the Flag | JLP SHOW (5/2/24)



TOPIC: (5/2/24), THU, Zoo Bear, Race Hoax, UCLA Zoo Bear eats ducklings, Race Hoax using artificial intelligence, Police retreat at UCLA, Interesting point from Charlie Kirk, MAILYNN GA: "re: leaving Atlanta/situation with son", VLADIMIR RUSSIA: "what happens after you die?", HAKE NEWS Caller: "comment on Israel/Palestine" DANIEL TN: "comment on Israel/Palestine conflict", back to VLADIMIR, DANIEL GA: "some scripture for bible thumper Thursday", SUPERCHATS, Trump responds to heckler, BROOK GA: "thank you JLP", KIRK CA: "scripture that supports flat earth", DANIEL GA: "thank you for your advice", BREE MI: "thank you for standing up for white people", HAKE NEWS Fraternity flying the flag, Elon Musk A group of fraternity brothers protected a fallen American flag, Australian Senator called for Elon Musk to be jailed for life, ED KY: "slavery wasn't what they say it was", JESSE: "comment on school protests", DREW OK: "question about student protests", SUPERCHATS, LANCE KY: "god is everything, all is one", MIKE C