Elder Law Report

Estate Planning with a Focus on Mental Health Protection



Ever wondered how to navigate the often-overlooked complexities of mental health in estate planning? Well, worry no more. Your hosts, Greg McIntyre and co-host Attorney Samantha Gordon ("Sam"), delve into the heart of this matter, breaking down the crucial differences between healthcare powers of attorney and mental healthcare directives. You'll come away with a profound understanding of how to ensure your estate plan meticulously covers both physical and mental health components, and how this can be shaped to reflect your personal health care preferences, be they holistic or conventional. Especially poignant for those with aging relatives or loved ones with special needs, this episode sheds light on the delicate balance between providing financial support and preserving eligibility for government benefits through the strategic use of special or supplemental needs trusts.In our discussion, we underscore the significance of astute estate planning in protecting not just your future but that of yo