Chats With Susan Burrell

Transcend Into Your Talent



Ep#275 - Transcend Into Your Talent - A Solo Show with your Host Susan Burrell This is the year of BE Potential on Empowering Chats. 2024 is all about reaching for and accessing our Potential. And for the month of May we will be exploring the “T” in Potential. Talent. Our collective talent and our individual talent. How do we transcend and explore our many talents? How do we choose to live our life in community and individually? I encourage you to take a listen to this episode and explore with me where your talents might lie. You may be surprised to see what comes up. I encourage you to stay curious and allow yourself to transcend to your higher potential.  This place I am talking about requires deep listening and transcending beyond our own ego to allow for the essence of our being to show up. And doing something  artistic could be a way of opening a door to our gifts, our talents. It’s all about going within and listening and then having the courage to put action behind those thoughts. To learn more about h