
H-Hour #226 Andrew Lockwood – Grey Wolf Teams



****** Discuss this episode in the H-Hour community today on Discord: https://discord.gg/ncFRpvTkjX ***** Andy Lockwood is a leadership, performance and culture consultant. He is the founder of The Rugby Outreach Project, Sports Vacancies and Grey Wolf Teams. In this episode he discusses the concept of empathy and its impact on team performance in sports, particularly in football. He shares his research on the three pillars of effective teams: shared experience, mutual understanding, and empathy. Lockwood highlights a study on an Italian football team that found increased levels of empathy led to more shots on goal and increased performance. He also explores the role of empathy in other industries, such as business and the military. Lockwood discusses his own work in implementing empathy-related strategies in sports teams and organizations. The conversation covers various topics related to rugby, including the impact of money on the sport, the challenges at grassroots level, the differences between rugb