Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

"From Chaos to Clarity: A Journey to an Organized Life and Happy Home with Tracy McCubbin



 In this episode of "Got Clutter? Get Organized!", we embark on a captivating journey of transformation and organization, exploring the life of our special guest, Tracy McCubbin, a seasoned organizer and author of not one, but two incredible books. Join us as we delve into her inspiring story and uncover the secrets to a clutter-free life and a happy home. Our host sits down with Tracy to address the following questions: Can you share your journey of becoming an organizer, then author of two books? Gain valuable insights into the guest's personal journey, from the initial spark of interest in organization to becoming a published author, and discover the wisdom she's acquired along the way. You got married last year so what are things that couples do that can make a home more cluttered? Explore the common pitfalls and habits that couples often fall into, leading to a cluttered living space, and learn how to avoid them. How can couples be happy and organized? Get expert advice on how couples can maintain a h