Got Clutter? Get Organized! With Janet

Effective Strategies To Manage Stress with Jessica Harrington, Journey To Yourself



Welcome to this episode of our podcast, where we discuss creating strategies to manage stress with Jessica Harrington. In this episode, Jessica shares her expertise on how to manage stress and improve our well-being. Jessica discusses what motivated her to start the Journey To Yourself, and how her work is focused on helping people create a more peaceful and balanced life. She explains how our perception of stress plays a significant role in how we manage it, and why it's essential to change our mindset when it comes to stress. If you're someone struggling with stress, Jessica offers practical strategies on how to manage it. She emphasizes the importance of self-care, setting boundaries, and prioritizing our time to reduce stress levels. She also shares how mindfulness practices and journaling can be powerful tools to improve our well-being. Join us in this conversation as we explore the topic of stress management and learn how to create effective strategies to manage stress with Jessica Harrington.