Pacey Performance Podcast

Utilising the sprint mechanics assessment score (S-MAS) to try reduce hamstring injuries with Chris Bramah



In this episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob is speaking to Consultant, Physio and Biomechanist at the Manchester Institute of Health and Performance, Chris Bramah. Delving into the intricacies of running mechanics, Chris explains the crucial connection between specific movement patterns and the risk of hamstring injuries. Through his expertise, listeners gain an understanding of how lumbar-pelvic control, backside mechanics, and overstriding play pivotal roles in athlete health and performance. The conversation further explores the cutting-edge technology of 3D biomechanics assessments, highlighting their application in elite sports environments including Premier League football clubs, to optimize rehabilitation strategies and return-to-play decisions. Chris then introduces the Sprint Mechanics Assessment Score (S-MAS), a novel, simplified tool he developed—a 12-item score that utilizes basic camera setups to assess movement mechanics effectively during athletes' warm-ups. This tool is designed to e