Keen On

Episode 2055: Michael Ignatieff on a history of his privileges



Pete Townsend said it best. “Hope I die before I get old” he wrote in The Who’s anthemic 1965 hit, “My Generation”. But what Townsend really meant in a lyric that best captured the rebellious Boomer spirit of the Sixties, he later acknowledged, was “hope I die before I get very rich”. Townsend, as it happens, is still alive and, like many other members of his generation, very very rich. In fact, the accumulated wealth of Townsend’s generation is now estimated by the New York Times to be over $78 trillion. And it’s this seismic imbalance of power and wealth between his Boomer generation and those born after 1960 that Michael Ignatieff writes about in his excellent new LIBERTIES essay, “A History of My Privileges”. Never one to dodge uncomfortable truths, Michael Ignatieff points an accusatory finger at himself in acknowledging that his generation has much responsibility for today’s polycrisis. This is the beginning of a much needed conversation from one of the Boomer generation’s most articulate liberals.Bor