Dr Karin Love & Life

Save Women’s Sports! with Former UPenn Swimmer Paula Scanlan Ep. 303



Imagine this: you’ve worked your whole life to swim at the collegiate level. You make the team at an Ivy League school. All those sacrifices paid off—you’re competing at the elite level! And then, before your sophomore year, a guy joins the team. His name is Will, but he now goes by Lia because during his junior year, he decided he was a woman and started hormone therapy. You don’t think it’s right that a 6’1” man will take the place of a female teammate–a girl who’s worked as hard as you did to earn her spot on the roster. Furthermore, you’re uncomfortable with a man changing in the women’s locker room. You mention this and you’re told, “You should get some psychological support.” None of this makes sense. None of it is fair. But, if you discuss it—even with your teammates—you’re called “transphobic.” You stop talking about it because no one’s listening. You finish your senior year and then head to New York for your first job. But, you’re still mad about it. You know men competing against women is