Xayli Barclay

Let's Talk about Being Authentic on Camera/Video w Jam Gamble



In this episode, we're connecting with Jam Gamble! As the creator of the Slay The Mic™ Program and a vocal advocate for authenticity, Jam has transformed her early challenges into a powerful platform for empowerment. Known for her dynamic and engaging approach, Jam teaches others to speak up and own their voices boldly and without apology. What We Talk About: Jam emphasizes the importance of being your true self, whether you’re happy, sad, or anywhere in between. She discusses overcoming personal struggles and how these experiences have shaped her approach to video and coaching. Jam gives advice to those who are hesitant to start their video journey, stressing the value of genuine expression over perfection. Learn how Jam uses video not only to teach but also to connect deeply with her audience. Join us as Jam shares her empowering journey of using her voice, overcoming the urge to stay silent, and teaching others to do the same. Where to Find Jam: Explore more about Jam and her initiatives