Rich Zeoli

National Press Doesn’t Get the Point of Trump’s Wildwood Rally



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 3: 5:05pm- In her new article for The Washington Examiner, columnist Salena Zito asks did Trump make a 4D chess move with his speech in Wildwood, New Jersey? Zito writes: “In 2016, Clinton won Mahoning County with 49% of the vote, defeating Trump by a hair. For perspective, just four years earlier, then-President Barack Obama crushed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney by a whopping 28 points in the Mahoning Valley, earning 63% of the vote of this mostly white working-class voter base. Those same working-class white voters, on whom Democrats relied to carry the state twice for the first Black president, would soon be called racist, uneducated, and angry just four years later for supporting Trump. Fast-forward to last weekend when Trump, plagued by nonstop reports of his trial for allegedly covering up hush money payments, held a rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, and attracted more than 80,000 supporters in a state no Republican presidential candidate has won since then-Vice Pres