Nonprofit Jenni Show

246. Time-Saving Fundraising Tips + 4-Day Work Weeks + Intro Meetings With Funders



This week, Virginia Davidson from Little Green Light talks about how fundraisers can balance their time when juggling the need to generate and evaluate fundraising reports, as well as the need to actually get out there and fundraise. Then my sister comes back on the show for our Nonprofits in the News segment to chat about a case study of how a nonprofit successfully implemented a four-day work week and actually improved their effectiveness, plus advice from a foundation program officer about what to do before, during, and after introductory meetings with prospective funders. In this episode, we mention a few resources you may want to check out! — Find Little Green Light’s Free Resources: — Michelle’s LinkedIn profile: — Article about the 4-day work week: — Article about intro meetings with funders: