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The Index Card Business Plan with Brian Margolis #224



The Index Card Business Plan with Brian Margolis #224 In this episode we meet Brian Margolis, author of the “The Index Card Business Plan For Sales Pros and Entrepreneurs”.  The natural order of life and business moves from the simple to the complex. Yet at the same time big advances in science are the simplest of answers. You too can simplify and advance your business. Brian walks us through his business Chaplanning process with only a set of recipe cards! Have a Strategy If you had a completely free day, what would you work on today? If you’re unsure  you don’t have a business strategy. Let’s get one and build a process that ensures results. Stop procrastinating. Characteristics of Pillars on the Index Card Brians process is based on a set of pillars. Pillars are activities when executed consistently have a diproportionate postive effect on your business. When you execute your pillars, in a week you will see results. Examples of Pillars: Proactivity High leverage activity Action or predictable result Som