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The Transparency Sale with Todd Caponi #221



The Transparency Sale with Todd Caponi #221 Todd Caponi Is the former Chief Revenue Officer at Chicago’s PowerReviews. Todd is in the process of authoring a new book titled “The Transparency Sale”. This book is in response to the changing influence of social media in selling and the failure of former challenger sale strategies. Todd has held leadership roles with three tech companies, including ExactTarget, where he helped the organization to a successful IPO and a $2.7B exit to Challenger Sale No Longer Effective There is a false narrative that consumers have all they need online to make buying decisions. Sellers still have tremendous value adding insight and help to enable the purchase at the end. The Challenger Sale  teaches the following: Recommends sellers to provide insights and challenge prospects thinking Demands sellers to become industry experts Challenges buyers to think a different way but…… Due to Social  Media, sellers need to be on top of what buyers are saying about them. N