

Leadsology – Science of Being in Demand with Tom Poland #220 Today we meet Tom Poland the author of the #1 international best selling book Leadsology®: The Science of Being in Demand. Tom shares the process he uses to get prospects to self select and qualify themselves. We talk about simple marketing techniques, sales professionals can use to find great prospects. For Tom a highly qualified lead is someone who Searches and finds your link, Knows your fee/pricing, Books a sales call, Views you as the only (or small set) legitimate choice(s). These KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are most indicitive of sales conversion rates (for Tom typically 50%).  The trick is to filter out unqualified leads prior to the meeting. Prospects self select. Creating an Experience The marketing experiences of the prospect includes: Preselection – only prospects with a set demographic criteria that self select via content marketing Lead Magnet – could be some information of value, commonly a pdf worksheet, essay, or maybe a w