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How To Sell With the CRINGE Method from Doug Vigliotti #213



How To Sell With the CRINGE Method #213 Douglas Vigliotti is a sales consultant, workshop-speaker, and bestselling author of The Salesperson Paradox: A Strikingly Simple Way to Provide Solutions Your Customers Can’t Say No To.  In this book Doug shares how to sell with the CRINGE method, a strategy and mindset of focusing on helping clients, not pushing product. Doug has twelve years of successful frontline sales experience, across three different industries, and two Fortune 500 companies—Automatic Data Processing and Johnson & Johnson. In January 2016, he opened the doors of groundupSALES, a strategic selling partner for non-sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and small business owners. He’s an avid reader and writes a monthly reading list at Purpose of Business To Create and Keep Customers Doug believes that customers will view you completely different when you go from selling to helping. Why is this? Doug sights a number of aspects: Mindset shift – people will feel you are looki