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How to Find Sales Leads with Twitter with Madalyn Sklar #199



How to Find Sales Leads with Twitter with Madalyn Sklar #199 Sales Babble listeners are always asking about social selling and using social media of discover new leads. Sales people are ALWAYS looking for new leads.  We know that LinkedIn can be alot of help, but what about Twitter, what about Instagram or Facebook? Is Snapchat worth your time?Today we ask AND answer those very questions. My guest Madalyn Sklar and I review each of the social media platforms and Madalyn shares advice  on how to find sales leads with Twitter and common do’s and don’ts for Social Selling. Social Media Social Selling Sales is sales. Just like finding leads at a networking event or referrals, social selling is no different except for the venue! You can find leads in all social media! Your ability to find leads depends on two things: Knowing who you’re selling to Understanding the social media venue How to Find Leads with Twitter Be consistent Tweet everyday Tweet 5 times a day Check notifications people who respond Check D