The Melissa Ambrosini Show

579: Who Says You Can’t Win At Life & Love? You Do | Daniel Chidiac



Ever feel like you’re just not where you want to be in life and love? Meet Daniel Chidiac, the best-selling author who transformed his life from rock bottom to a multimillion-dollar empire. Daniel joins us on the show to unravel the strategies behind his stunning turnaround and to share his unique insights into success, mindset, modern dating, relationships and more.Tune in to discover: how he went from despair to selling over 30 million dollars in books, the core patterns of success he learned from the greats, the essential keys to upgrading your health and mindset, the power of visualization in manifesting your desires, and how to shift away from a victim mentality. We also dive deep into the world of modern dating and relationships — where we're nailing it, where we're missing the mark, how to cope with break-ups, dating without apps, and how to have a wildly fulfilling love-life.So if you’re ready to reshape your life and relationships and accelerate your journey to personal mastery, then press