Being Well With Lauren

Episode 38 Being well with Lauren



Episode 38 The how & why of goal achievement & procrastination   Today we look at the HOW of goal achievement compared to the WHY of goal achievement , The HOW being the strategy and the why being the rewarding carrot at the final destination or point of goal achievement. In today's podcast I refer..and indeed am inspired to the interesting and informative article written by   Timothy A Pychyl Ph.D The Role of Goal Focus in Reducing Procrastination Where should we focus our attention - process or outcome? It depends. Posted May 27, 2014 I really enjoyed this article so make sure you have a read of it and check out his references too. I also talk of the effect of shame and guilt upon our ability to be self aware and I finish by referring to Pema Chodron and look at the importance of facing our fears in order to develop as evolving souls. Thank you so much for listening x Lauren My name is Lauren O