Being Well With Lauren

Episode 18 Being with Lauren



In episode 18 I chat about my awesome amazing a little sad and a lot happy natural bodybuilding competition experience, the trials the tribulations, including my crazy GPS, my self tanning fiasco, and oh yes my dear four children. I also talk about a couple of life's little stories and finish with a prayer. Thank you so much for listening and being there. Love Lauren x   My name is Lauren. I am a writer, life coach, meditation/yoga teacher, & proud mum of four. I make videos, podcasts, blogs and a book about happiness, yoga, fitness, meditation, & wellbeing.   Please take a moment to support me at and make this show possible.   PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to my podcast   PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to my channel: Lauren Ostrowski Fenton (ASMR) EMAIL BUY MY ITUNES AUDIO How to meditate