Being Well With Lauren

Episode 10 Being well with Lauren



In episode ten Lauren speaks about how she has noticed the increased levels of stress since she arrived back from holiday and reviews this as a stark contrast to the relaxing experience of her holiday. Lauren then explores the origin of this stress and detaches from this stress. Lauren uses the metaphor of standing on a highway with cars rushing past to look at how we can feel at times crowded and suffocated by the 'busyness' of our life. Sometimes it is the very way we choose to live our life which can take away from the quality of our lives. Lauren explores decluttering, life editing, and emotional clearing. Lauren recommends the Ted talk with Graham Hill who also runs the group ‘Life edited’. Lauren then continues to present a visualisation type meditation exploring decluttering and making room for happiness. Please email with any requests. Lauren Ostrowski Fenton thanks her listeners and invites requests. Listeners may contribute to Lauren's show at