In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 2: Lights For Your Path



In the already volatile Middle East, all eyes have turned to what is next for Iran in the wake of the unexpected death of its president. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week shared insights from a man who God has called to minister His love directly to the people of that nation. He explained that there may be a cause behind the cause of the helicopter crash, why this period of national instability is fertile ground for the Gospel to change lives and why it is more important than ever for believers in the West to be in prayer for this nation and its people. As we have so often seen on this program, the news that is paraded on our television screens is often not the full story. We spoke to a medical expert who says that the push for acceptance of use of the abortion pill is based on study data that cherry picked information favorable to the popular stance on the issue. The reports ignored the medical safeguards for women and the system currently in place provides no follow-up for women who have compli