No Limits With Rebecca Jarvis

#122: HBO EVP & CFO, Jessica Holscott: Are you having fun and are you still learning?



Fresh out of the University of Dayton, Jessica Holscott cycled through a variety of positions at GE while working in the Financial Management Program, allowing her to combine her love of finance with her new found love of media. In October 2018, Jessica was named the first female CFO of HBO, attributing much of her success to her mother who raised her on her own throughout middle and high school, working two jobs and showing a young Jessica what it means to work hard. On this episode, Jessica discusses how her mother’s work ethic helped her land her first job at GE, and why listening more and speaking less has proved to be extremely beneficial in her career. Plus the two questions that have guided her career. Congratulations to our No Limits Entrepreneur of the Week: Erin Joy, Found of Black Dress Partners Find out more: Want to be a featured NLEOTW? Know someone who should? Send your nominations Don’t forget to subscribe and leave us a review! I