Chats With Susan Burrell

Art as A Mindfulness Practice



Ep#278 - Art as A Mindfulness Practice, An Interview with Artist and Sound Healer, Lida Martin I am thrilled to welcome my dear friend Lida Martin to Empowering Chats. I first met Lida Martin many years ago at one of her art shows where she was displaying her watercolor paintings. Lida is a watercolor artist and she is passionate about life and creative expression. She strives to live her life from a mindful place, giving herself the freedom and the time to explore and nurture those things that bring her joy. In this inspiring chat we dip into ways we can all access our own exceptional creativity. Lida talks about how we are all artists on the inside – the trick is allowing ourselves to be like children and to play freely with our talent, without allowing the inner critic to judge all that we do. Easier said than done – but according to Lida it is possible. It’s about turning off the chatter, being curious and giving ourselves permission to exhibit our own unique artistry.  According to Lida when life overwhe