Recovered Podcast - The Unofficial Alcoholics Anonymous Aa Recovery Podcast For The Alcoholic Addict And Al-anon

Coping With Someone Else's Substance Use - Recovered 1388



Experiencing a friend’s relapse is profoundly challenging and can evoke a complex mix of emotions, including frustration, sadness, and fear. This situation can create an emotional tug-of-war, where you feel torn between your concern for their well-being and the need to protect your own sobriety. The stress and anxiety from worrying about your friend can add difficulty to your own program, making it essential to find effective coping strategies. Tonight, we talk about Coping with Someone Else’s Substance Use.   This week,  Chris, Chance, Falisha, Nicole, Breanne, Joel, Martin, Ginger, Becky, Kim, Shelly, Jim, Shez, Vicki, Rebekah, Jinifer, Dana, Bryan, Tonja, Jean, Tony, Sam, Amy They made their Sustaining Partner Donations. For more information, tap   This episode is sponsored by  Michael, Teresa, Audry, Kurt, Gigi, Chris, Helen, McQ, Maryann, Kim They used the donation button found on our website at Episode Sponsor   Visit our website