Spawned With Kristen And Liz Of Coolmompicks

How moms can find some holiday joy for themselves: With Margaret Ables | Ep 300



At the end of such a tough year, we're looking to find all the holiday joy where we can, and make fun for our kids -- but why do moms always seem to be the people behind the fun, and not part of the fun? Liz is joined by Margaret Ables, co-host of the fabulous What Fresh Hell parenting podcast to commiserate, and we're offering smart tips (eg stop trying to make things perfect!), sweet family stories, plenty of laughter, and a lot of compassion for moms feeling overwhelmed right now. Thanks to our sponsor Disney Villainous: Intro to Evil for creating a wonderful screen-free game that's actually fun for adults, right along with our tweens and teens. Check out the new Disney100 limited edition, which is a great gift for Disney super-fans! Follow Spawned: Apple, Spotify, Amazon Join: Spawned Podcast FB Community Follow Cool Mom Picks: Instagram, Facebook, Threads Follow Liz Gumbinner: Instagram, Facebook, Substack, Threads Follow Margaret Ables and What Fresh Hell: Twitter, Facebook, Facebook Group, Adalyst