Spawned With Kristen And Liz Of Coolmompicks

Ep. 04 Grownup Panties



Today we're talking about email etiquette and some of our own pet peeves. NOTE: Please don't send us angry emails, Comic Sans fans. Or can you at least send them in Helvetica? We're also answering our first listener question from dad James, who's having some serious playdate problems. We've been there, so we discuss some helpful tips and funny anecdotes that we hope will help other parents too. Although when Kristen suggests we all need to put on our grownup panties from time to time, we need to clarify that we are not implying in any way that James currently wears or should, in the future, wear panties. But if he did we'd be cool with that. Just so you know. And as always, we're sharing each of our favorite cool picks of the week: One for the kids, one definitely not for the kids.    If you have a question for Kristen and Liz, a pick to suggest, or just want to say hi (and we can say hi back), you can find us on Twitter at @coolmompicks using #SpawnedShow, on Facebook at, or email u