The Urban Farm Podcast With Greg Peterson

815: Kareen Erbe on Resilient Homesteads



815: Kareen Erbe on Resilient Homesteads.Helping people design food forests and gardens with a holistic approach.In This Podcast: Broken Ground is Kareen's passion and a platform where people can learn how to work with and create from the principles of permaculture and sustainable living. Kareen is a passionate environmentalist with a deep-rooted connection to the land, and through Broken Ground she offers workshops, consultations, and design services to empower individuals and communities to grow their own food and regenerate the earth.Through her signature resilient homestead program, participants are guided through the principles of permaculture design, soil building, food forest creation, and water harvesting, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to transform their landscapes into thriving, biodiverse ecosystems. By fostering beneficial relationships between plants, animals, and people, Broken Ground is redefining the way we interact with our environment and inspiring a new generation of land st