In Bed With Neil Moodie

S1 - EP 6 "In Bed with Neil Moodie" with guest Roger Frampton.



My guest on this episode is top British male model turned movement coach Roger Frampton. Born in Northamptonshire, but spending his teen years growing up in East London he began weight training at 15, and trained as a carpenter when he left school Scouted as a model at the age of 19, Roger modelled for 15 years and continues to do so for special projects. He was also a personal trainer but a chance gymnastics class, made him re-think his training regime, focusing on movement instead of fitness. He created The Frampton Method which lead to his appearance on Ted Talks, discussing why sitting on chairs destroys you. His talk resonated with so many people that The Frampton Method is now world renowned, leading to him publishing his own book and his work being in high demand the world over. I met Roger in his new London home to discuss all things Frampton and what this movement guru’s next plan is to get the whole world bending, stretching and touching it’s toes. .