Dr Karin Love & Life

Is it Better to Marry Younger or Wait a While? The Debate Continues! Part 2 Ep. 306



No surprise, Elliott and I had plenty to say on this topic so we broke up the debate into two parts. In part 1 (ep. 304), Elliott and I tackled 3 questions: Are younger couples more at risk of codependency because they marry before their identities are sufficiently formed? Do older couples struggle to adjust to the division of labor and day to day norms because they’re “stuck in their ways?” What about extended family relationships? Are these easier to develop if we marry younger? In today’s episode we continue the debate by considering 3 more questions: Do couples who marry when they’re older struggle more with trust and expectations because they’ve often been hurt many times before? Do they bring more “baggage” to the relationship? What about the biological clock?  When a husband or wife pivots dramatically regarding career, passions, or goals, is this adjustment easier for younger couples? Or, might older couples take this transition in stride? Join us for part 2 of our “debate” about when i