Zoë Routh Leadership Podcast

136 Practical steps on how to embrace fearless leadership with Corrinne Armour



What can living in the jungle in a refugee camp teach us about leadership? Fearless Leadership expert Corrinne Armour shares wisdom and insights from the frontlines of guerrilla warfare, through to the tough conversations leaders need to have. She shares tips based on neuroscience to help people be more accountable, how to get people to take initiative, and how to create psychological safety. Why you should listen: Practical approach that uses brain science to help people be more accountable 3 step coaching process to keep from being the leader who tells and be the leader who asks How connection is the fundamental skill every leader needs to be successful We explore: Life in the jungle- in a Thai-Burmese refugee camp How - and why - someone becomes a guerrilla warfare leader - and it could be any of us The secret to inspiring people to incredible action Hong Kong riots - don’t it in judgment but ask what is going on in the system that would cause people to protest and stand up so much in suc