Coach Corey Wayne

White Knight Finds Out His Girlfriend Isn’t So Innocent



Join this channel to get access to exclusive members only videos, full viewer questions podcasts & The 3% Man & Mastering Yourself Study Group Podcasts with the girls where we discuss the content of both books in depth: Join Members Only Spotify: Join Members Only On My Website (you must create a free account first by subscribing to the free email newsletter): Why you should evaluate women based upon their actions, character & how they treat you. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a 26 year old viewer who has been following my work for 6 years and read 3% Man, 15 times. He says he waited a long time to sleep with girlfriend out of “respect” for her. Her dad is a preacher. He started exploring her sexual past with her and found out she lost her virginity at 21. She slept with 5 guys before him and n