Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - June 14, 2024 - Adultery



(2:37) Bible Study: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16 Father explains how amazing this passage is. Check it out to have your mind blown! Mt 5:27-32 Jesus talks about adultery and father explains what that means (22:47) Break 1 (24:06) Letters: Father answers the Question of if God is real why can’t we see him, and the church’s stance on IVF? (34:59) Break 2 (36:08) Word of the Day: Horeb (37:40) Phones: John - War and in the Old Testament, God tells David to conquer various nations. What is the diff b/w just war theory and what happened in the Old Testament? Bob - How do we NOT clap at mass AND not stand out as being different from everybody else at mass?