Chats With Susan Burrell

Reaching Toward Higher Wisdom



Ep#280 - Reaching Toward Your Higher Wisdom. An interview with author, channeler and ascended teacher, Caroline Oceana Ryan Personal note to all of the listeners of Empowering Chats: This episode will elevate you to a new way of seeing and perhaps living your life.  I know I have been elevated through this conversation with my guest, Caroline Oceana Ryan. Caroline is an author, a channeler and an Ascension Teacher. She speaks truth to me and I think she will speak truth to many of you as well. According to Caroline, we are entering into a whole new field of possibilities and potential, and it all has to do with our predominant vibration. And how we chose to live with our personal vibration. We are being forced to look inward, to wake up to what is showing up in our lives. Many of us are being challenged to change or shift the way we have been living. And sometimes it feels like the overwhelming push to negative response has increased. Many of us are also experiencing the detoxing of the body which can illumin