Jami Dulaney Md Plant Based Wellness

Jami Dulaney MD Plant Based Wellness Podcast Episode 479: Reversing Dementia Through Plant Based Nutrition



Welcome! and Thank you for listening.  We have been conditioned to believe that discomfort or an illness can only be fixed by a procedure or medication.  It is out of our hands.  Allopathic reductionist medicine created that concept making us dependent.  Our only hope is early detection of illnesses sure to happen.   Dementia is another issue all together.  It is all to familiar and there appears to be no stopping the progression once it starts.  That holds true for medications at least.  Early testing results in a longer period to worry about the future.  Most people believe it is genetics and bad luck.  Dean Ornish, MD recently published a randomized controlled trial showing improvement in early dementia symptoms and biomarkers using a plant based diet along with exercise and stress management.  This preliminary study is wonderful news to support a basic whole foods plant based diet.  No gimmicks or need for specialized foods.  No fancy exercise protocols.  Just basic good nutrition and movement with attent