Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S07 - Divine Mercy - Contemplate on Allah SWT creation and not about Allah SWT



Divine Mercy Objects of Love The Family of Dawood (AS) Allah SWT The Exalted bestowed favours upon mankind in proportion to His Power and asked them to give thanks according to their capability (Ibn Abee Dunyaa). A man cannot be regarded as knowledgeable in the real sense until he regards affliction as a favour and affluence as a trial (Ibn Abee Dunyaa) Yaa Haleemu-Yaa Kareemu cure so-and-so (Ibn Abee Shainah). When you sigh giving out breaths of regret, they then rise and form clouds, to patter upon you drops of forgiveness. And if you shed a tear on the cheek of repentance you will give life to your barren heart (Kitaab Al Lataa'if). Abu Zharr (ra), The right measure of supplication compared to one's pious deeds should be like the right quantity of salt that is put in one's food (Abu Naim Hilyaa). Contemplate on Allah SWT creation and not about Allah SWT for you will not appreciate His Magnitude (Tabarani).