Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 6/11/24



On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Hunter Biden was found guilty of Federal gun charges in three hours despite having a trial in a friendly city with a friendly prosecutor and jury, the complete opposite of the Stalinist trial Donald Trump faced in Manhattan. No matter what President Biden says he will pardon Hunter after the 2024 election. If we had an honest media that sought to be impartial it would be fantastic, but the media in our country is so thoroughly corrupt and filled with Democrat media hacks who create a fake reality. We are the targets of this manipulation, and this is how totalitarianism works. Also, it has been about 9 months since the October 7 terror attack in Israel, and what has not stopped since is the anti-Semitism and pro-Hamas rallies in our streets and our universities. We are losing our country and our culture because the Islamists are already here thanks to the policies of the Obama and Biden administrations. Later, Mark is joined by National Review columnist and lawyer Andy McCarthy to