Mangala Shri Bhuti - The Link

Tangtong Gyalpo: King of the Empty Plain (Link #712)



Speaker: Michaela Ledesma. The Outer, Inner and Secret Refuge Prayer of Tangtong Gyalpo and the power of its tremendous blessings is the focus of this talk. Michaela shares stories about her personal connection to the prayer and her continuing relationship with Tangtong Gyalpo in her own life. Drawing on the namthar, or spiritual biography by Cyrus Stearns entitled, ‘King of the Empty Plain: The Tibetan Iron-Bridge Builder Tangtong Gyalpo’, she provides background information on this great lineage master and his impact on the mystical tradition of Tibet. He is known as a mind emanation of Guru Padmasambhava and is believed to have recovered numerous caches of terma (hidden treasure teachings) concealed by the Indian master.