The Chase Jarvis Live Show

Can You Live Fully by the Constitution in 2024? | A.J. Jacobs



In this episode, New York Times bestselling author, A.J. Jacobs shares his fascinating approach to interpreting America's foundational document in his latest book, "The Year of Living Constitutionally: One Man's Humble Quest to Follow the Constitution's Original Meaning". An acclaimed journalist known for his unorthodox social experiments, A.J.'s work blends memoir, science, humor and a dash of self-help. In our conversation, A.J. takes us on a hilarious yet insightful journey into his attempt to understand the Constitution by living as closely as possible to its original meaning. We delve into his personal experiences, the larger debate about how the Constitution should be interpreted, and the Constitution's relevance in today's world. Excited to feature PLUNGE cold plunges and saunas as the sponsor for this episode. The best products on the market, bar none. I use them everyday! [enter code chase at checkout for and extra $150 off!] Some highlights we explore: Learn more about A.J. Ja